Tips on how your business can reach its target group

The term “target group” is used a lot in marketing, but which target group should you aim your marketing towards? Journey Agency can help you reach your target group.

Ida Pernille Christensen, CXM & Content Advisor Ida Christensen 29 Apr, 2022 • 5 Min. read

Whether you need help with defining your target group, aiming your marketing efforts towards the right segment or have any other digital marketing inquiries, Journey Agency can help you out.

Here we give you the best tips on how your business can reach the right target group.

This is how your business can reach the right target group

When you are selling a product or a service, the best choice might seem to simply target everyone. Perhaps not all of them, but at least some of the people you reach will be interested. Right?

Well, not really. Firstly, most products and services are tailored to a specific target group. Secondly, your marketing campaign will cost much more than needed. Save time and money by focusing on your core target group instead.

What is a target group?

First off, what is a target group? The definition of “target group” in marketing is “the particular group of people that an advertisement is intended to reach”.

Why you should define your target group and try to reach them

In inbound marketing, one of the most important priorities is to please the customer. By making sure your customer is happy, you have in fact started a so-called “chain reaction”. The customer is happy, they recommend your company to other people, and your business will accumulate new customers. This is the goal of defining and reaching your target group. 

Define your target group and how to market to them

First and foremost, you must start by defining your target group. You cannot always base this on who you want to sell to, but rather who actually uses the product or service that your business is offering. You might want to target a broad group of people, but this will often lead to a very expensive marketing campaign. 

This is especially important when marketing through Google Ads. For example, let us say your business is selling running shoes. If you choose to market the shoes by bidding on a broad term like “running shoes”, you have a lot of competition to beat. You should instead find keywords and phrases that your target group use when they describe running shoes. For instance, this could be “shoes with good support”, “cheap running shoes” or “the best shoes for running”. 

Get to know your target group

One of the most important aspects of inbound marketing is getting to know your target group. Your business should always strive to know your target group as well as possible . This will help you develop a good relationship with your customers. 

You can use the information you gather about your target group when marketing your product. By analysing and interpreting customers’ information, you can plan marketing campaigns aimed towards the same or similar customers in the future. 

Communicate with your target group

It is equally important to know what the customer likes and dislikes about your business. You can gather information about both at the same time. Customers know very well what they want, and you should use that to your advantage when collecting information. 

Many customers will want to give their opinion on your business through online reviews or surveys. Let them be vocal about your business, and use their feedback to improve your relationships with your customers. You can also find out whether the target group that you are targeting now actually is a good fit for your business. 

Find the right platform for your advertisements

More or less everyone will be in front of a screen at some point during the day. That does not mean that every screen is the same. It is vitally important for your business to know which platform your customers are spending the most time on. If it is specific websites, TV channels or apps, these platforms should be your main focus. 

For example, let us say your target group often visits newspaper websites. Then you should consider banner or video advertisements on these sites in order to catch their attention. But be careful – many people are annoyed by ads, so you should avoid interfering too much with the content the person is trying to access. 

Use SEO for marketing

Where you rank on Google today is very important. When the users are searching for what you offer, your business’ website should ideally rank in the top 5 in the Google search results. If you are not there today, you should consider revising your marketing plan. 

If you do not understand SEO well enough to get good ranks on Google, you might not be visible to your target group. Remember to pay attention to which keywords you use on product pages, in articles and in blog posts – as well as other types of content. If the keyword is very broad, the competition will often be too hard. As mentioned above in relation to Google Ads, one should instead go for specific keywords and phrases.  

Here you can read more about Digital Performance and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). 

Make your customers happy

Effective marketing is achieved through directly approaching a target group your business knows well. By knowing your target group, you can give your customers what they want, make them happy and increase the chances of them coming back for the same product or service in the future. Happy customers do come back, and making sure they are happy should be your main priority at all times. 

You need your customers for the business’ income, but customers are also an important part of the business’ foundation. By reaching your target group in the right way, you can ensure substantial growth for your business in the future. 

A summary on target groups

Here is a summary of the above:

  • Define your target group
  • Get to know your target group
  • Communicate with the target group
  • Advertise on the right platforms
  • Use SEO
  • Make your customers happy

Do you think it is difficult to define and reach your target group? Get in touch with us! Journey Agency can help you with all your digital marketing needs.